Money Saving Tips from Google

Money saving tips i found on Google are a great way to help spenders like me

1. Go to the shopping center with your belly full, this way you wont buy too many things since you are not too hungry.

2. Remove unnecessary load from your car. less load can improve the fuel efficiency.

3. If you have an impulse to buy something you should wait for 48 hours and then see if its still there.

4. Always turn off the lights once you leave the room.

5. Technology gets cheaper every three months. So when ever a new product is launched and you think you really want it wait for some time and then see it might be available cheaper.

6. Reuse Paper, this can be ecofriendly and save money.

7. Utilize the Online bill pay facility at your bank, this way you save trip to the billing counter and also save on paper.

8. Get organized and avoid missed payments of the bills and credit cards.

9. If you are living in a rented accommodation try living nearer to the office, this way you can save cost of commuting and all the hassle that comes with it.

10. Eat Out less. Yes that does save money.

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British Dave said...

other great ways to save money is by logging on to . they can save upto 75%off your shopping bills

Anonymous said...

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